By Luis de Guerrero Osio y Rivas
The Church will be in eclipse. (La Salette)
Two heresies have been launched in the last 60 years seeking to destroy
the Catholic Church, Modernism and Sede-occupantism.
The first was recognized as the sum of all heresies by Pope St. Pius X; the
second is easily recognizable by demands to grant full status ─and the
corresponding authority of the papacy─ to the first group while pretending to
remain orthodox in their beliefs. This two pronged attack ─one to revolutionize
and the other to justify the legitimacy of the first group while disagreeing
only on points of doctrine─ were literally an invasion of the Catholic Church
by the agents of the spirit of apostasy. The apostasy of the Modernist group which
defined itself by a revolutionary set of principles comprised in the doctrine
of an apostate council known to history as the Second Vatican Council and its