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The ridicule of the undiscerning |
Tagging lies have proven to be the most effective means of deception.
Finding names, placing tags. . .
The Bible, our Holy Book and main source of inspiration is being ridiculed beyond measure. Clergymen like the one pictured above, Monsignor Bernard Fellay, head of the FSSPX is either unaware of the Bible's clear messages for our times, of our time's identity in Scripture, or he simply can't read. Incredible?
His religious order disagrees both, with modernism, and with the heretical, apostatizing content of the new doctrines of the Second Vatican Council, and its aftermath doctrinal expressions, and with the popes that have made this council the New Carta Magna of the Catholic Church. However, unbiblical and undiscerning, he, and his FSSPX insist on tagging as "popes" the series of usurpers described in the Gospel as The Abomination of Desolation in the Holy Place (Mathew 24:15). This, when, of course, the abomination cited can only be identified by the heresies and the apostasy of the Council!
In other words, you can't legitimately separate the Council's creed as fact from its subscribers and expounders, the malefactors (the "popes" risen to proclaim and expound the desolation's abominations) as they are one.